Mit 84:103 haben Coach Aito und sein Team ihr Auswärtsspiel beim FC Barcelona am Freitagabend deutlich verloren. Beim Pausenstand von 44:46 sah noch so aus, als wäre eine Überraschung im Palau Blaugrana möglich, aber in der zweiten Halbzeit dominierten die Katalanen die Partie in allen Belangen. Vor allem beim Rebound, wo ALBA mit 24:48 den Kürzeren zog, brachte Barca sein Vorteile sehr stark zum Tragen.
Die Albatrosse können aus diesem Spiel wichtige Erfahrungen gegen eines der hochkarätigst besetzten Teams Europas mitnehmen und müssen den Fokus jetzt sofort wieder auf die Bundesliga richten, wo sie am Sonntag um 15 Uhr von s.Oliver Würzburg erwartet werden.
Viertelergebnisse (ALBA immer erstgenannt)
25:19 | 19:27 | 17:26 | 23:31 | Endergebnis 84:103 | Komplette Statistik
Game Facts (ALBA immer erstgenannt)
• Fehlende Spieler: Eriksson, Peno, Thiemann (ALBA), Heurtel, Pangos, Ribas (Barcelona)
• Reboundverhältnis 24 | 48 - Assists 21 | 24 - Ballverluste 17 | 19
• Zuschauer: 3.585
Top-Performer ALBA: Giedraits 17pt 3rb 2as | Siva 12pt 8as 4rb | Cavanaugh 11p 3as 2rb
Top-Performer Barcelona: Higgins 22pt 3as 2rb | Mirotic 18pt 3rb 3st | Tomic 15pt 6rb
Luke Sikma: "We knew it was going to a be tough game. They are a really good team, really talented. Sometimes it is good for you to really see what you are up against. I think it is humbling and a good learning experience. We need to have a short memory, turn it around and be ready to play on Sunday (in the German League)."
Aito Garcia Reneses: "For me and for us, it is an honor to play in the EuroLeague because the potential of a lot of teams in this competition is very big. We are here mainly to learn and try to be better every time, knowing that sometimes it is difficult, because not only technically but also physically, it is very difficult to compete against this kind of team, like Barcelona. Today they dominated the rebounds, 24-48, and it is very difficult. We are happy, however, because it is a very interesting competition and for ALBA fans to see these kinds of teams in Berlin is very good, because they will enjoy both our play and the play of the other teams. Barcelona played really well and it was very difficult for us, physically, to follow their rhythm. We wanted to win, of course, but we knew what kind of team we had in front of us. I am sure that Barcelona will play even better because I am sure that Coach Pesic will do a good job. We have to take into account that they have a lot of new players and it takes time to coordinate them. It is easier when the players are that good, but it is not easy."