Nur zwei Tage nach dem Pokalspiel in Bamberg haben unsere Albatrosse auswärts erneut eine sehr starke Leistung abgeliefert. Mit 93:86 siegte das Team von Coach Aito am Dienstagabend bei Olympiakos Piräus und bewahrte dabei in einem spannenden, attraktiven Spiel in den Schlusssekunden einen kühlen Kopf. Rokas Giedraitis und Luke Sikma verwandelten jeweils 2/2 Freiwürfe und machten damit den zweiten Auswärtssieg bei einem griechischen Topteam in dieser EuroLeague-Saison (nach dem Double-Overtime-Drama bei Panathinaikos) perfekt.

Ein großartiges Spiel machte Marcus Eriksson mit 6/9 Dreiern und 22 Punkten. Auch Martin Hermannsson (18 Punkte, 6 Assists), Rokas Giedraits (15 Punkte, 5 Rebounds), Luke Sikma (11 Punkte, 4 Rebounds, 4 Assists) und Peyton Siva (12 Punkte, 3 Assists) zeigten tollen Vorstellungen und insgesamt war spürbar, wie gut es dem Team tat, wieder mit einer größeren Leistungsträger-Rotation zu spielen. Trotz des Fehlens von Makai Mason (Schlag auf die Hüfte in Bamberg) und Stefan Peno hatte ALBA-Coach einige Optionen mehr zur Verfügung also in den Wochen zuvor.


Viertelergebnisse (ALBA immer erstgenannt)
19:22 | 31:20 | 18:29| 25:15 | Endergebnis 86:93 | Komplette Statistik

Game Facts (ALBA immer erstgenannt)
• Fehlende Spieler: Peno, Mason (ALBA)
• Reboundverhältnis  23 | 25 - Assists 19 | 22 - Ballverluste 11 | 12
• Zuschauer: 7.233

Top-Performer ALBA: Eriksson 22pt (6/9 Dreier) | Hermannsson 18pt 6as | Sikma 11pt 4rb 4as | Giedraitis 15pt 5rb | Siva 12pt 3as

Top-Performer Olympiakos: Printezis 15pt 9rb 6as | Multinov 15pt 6rb | Spanoulis 14pt 9as

Georigios Bartzokas (Cheftrainer Olympiakos): “It was nothing unexpected today. Our team is poor defensively, so although we tried hard to come back and I cannot complain about this, before the game we emphasized we could not let them feel confident because they are a great shooting team. But we allowed 9 out of 14 three-pointers in the first half. So in this part of the game we failed. If you look at the game stats, in every category we are better or equal, except three-point shots, which they had more than 50% which is very big for an away team. Basically, there is a defensive problem in our team which is not new. On offense, we had the desire to pass the ball and play together. This was our second goal because we are one of the worst teams in the league for assists, so I cannot complain about our unselfish way of playing. There are no easy EuroLeague games; everybody can beat everybody. My conclusion is that we played their game."

Aito Garcia Reneses (Cheftrainer ALBA): “A very good victory for us. We are beginning to recover our players with Peyton Siva just having three weeks out, but the other two players [Tyler Cavanaugh and Johannes Thiemann] were out for two months and they need more time. But in spite of this, we did a good job. We scored a very good percentage in three-pointers, the same way that Olympiacos had a very good percentage in two-pointers - especially in the first half. We are on a good line; after losing three games in a row we have recovered not only tactically but also our energy and focus, and we're in good shape."