Coach Aito und sein Team haben ihr Heimspiel gegen EuroLeague-Titelverteidiger ZSKA Moskau am Freitag mit 66:82 verloren. Nach einer ausgeglichen ersten Halbzeit fanden die Albatrosse in der zweiten Hälfte kaum noch Mittel gegen die sehr starke und physische Defense der Russen. Das Fehlen von Martin Hermannsson (Magen-Darm-Virus) machte sich in dieser Phase besonders schmerzhaft bemerkbar. Marcus Eriksson und Johannes Thiemann feierten zwar ihre Comebacks nach ihren Verletzungspausen, beide konnte aber verständlicherweise auf Anhieb noch nicht viele Akzente setzen.

Große Überlegenheit der Gäste beim Rebound (33/41) und Probleme der Berliner an der Freiwurflinie (13/22) machten alle Comebackversuche zu einem schwierigen Unterfangen. Trotzdem gaben die Berliner nie auf und kämpften vor der tollen Kulisse von über 13.000 Fans in der Mercedes-Benz Arena bis zur letzten Sekunde weiter.


Schon am Dienstag steht das nächste EuroLeague-Heimspiel auf dem Programm. Um 20 Uhr empfangen die Albatrosse Armani Mailand. Tickets

Viertelergebnisse (ALBA immer erstgenannt)
15:17 | 19:22 | 8:22 | 24:21 | Endergebnis 66:82 | Komplette Statistik

Game Facts (ALBA immer erstgenannt)
• Fehlende Spieler: Hermannsson, Peno (ALBA), Koufos (ZSKA)
• Reboundverhältnis  33 | 41 - Assists 20 | 18 - Ballverluste 15 | 21
• Zuschauer: 13.212

Top-Performer ALBA: Sikma 11pt 5rb 2as | Giffey 11pt 3rb 3st 2as | Schneider 11pt | Giedraitis 10pt 6rb 3as 3st | Siva 7pt 11as

Top-Performer ZSKA: James 22pt 5as 3rb 2st | Hilliard 21pt 2rb 2as 2st | Bolomboy 12pt 4rb

Dimitirs Itoudis (Cheftrainer ZSKA): I congratulate my team for the win. I think we were the better team tonight. We were focussed very well, especially on defense against a very talented team, where everybody can shoot and create. We came out strong in the third quarter and kept them at only eight points. That showed that we were prepared well. We were able to stop most of the transition points. Offensively we tried to take advantage of the pressure of ALBA’s defense. We were in control of the game for most of the time. The bad thing is only our injuries, obviously. The atmosphere in the arena with 13.000 fans was great tonight.

Aito Garcia Reneses (Cheftrainer ALBA): Do you know what was the best thing in this game for ALBA? It was our fans. They were with the team for the full 40 minutes. Unfortunately we didn’t play with full intensity and focus for 40 minutes. My players saw that they started losing and lost concentration. This is something we cannot do. It’s ok to lose games, but we always have to play with full focus and intensity. That was the main problem today.

Niels Giffey: Our main problem tonight was our rebounding. CSKA got a lot of second chance points and that kept us from running, what we like to do most. In the first half we saw that we can compete with them, but in the second half we were not able to adapt to the different style of the game.